domingo, 18 de março de 2007

Ilustration Friday - Total

Total rejection!
I did these personages some years ago, for a publisher, but they did not like them.
I think they are sweet, i have to work them more.
They still have no name. Any suggestion?

7 comentários:

merlinprincesse disse...

I find those characters really cute! :) The one at the left looks to me like Miss Blueberry! And the other one...well... Miss Carotte? :)

ottoblotto disse...

delightful characters!

Willie Baronet disse...

that is one totally huge nose! :-) keep drawing!

Sulea disse...

What fun characters!!! Love your drawings, and especially the picture you drew of yourself on the top right. Also I am going to see the Dalai Lama in June!!!! He is visiting Australia!!! :oD

saloia disse...

i love the ears on both of them :DD
and the silly expressions.

a jardineira parece-me uma "Joaquina"! E que tal Nené e Nina :DD

bom dia!

Michelle Lana disse...

Soooo cute! great work!

daniela disse...

thank's people!! Obrigada amigas :)